Your Opinion Matters

hold your mp to account

“The problem with our current form of democracy is that we only get to use it every few years when there’s an election. Then our representatives head off to parliament and do exactly what their parties want them to do and ignore the people who put them there.”

– Peter Widdows

what we do

My Direct Democracy is a mobile device app which allows members to inform their MP how they wish to be represented.

Vote on Every Bill Before Parliament

We carry details of all bills before the parliament and allow members to vote either for or against the bill. We then monitor whether MP's are voting with or against their own constituents. If they vote against them, we make it public.

Vote on Major Social Issues

Let your opinion be known on the vast array of social questions which affect your life.
Once you've voted, you get to see the results.

direct democracy

Direct democracy is a system which allows citizens to vote directly on proposed laws before the parliament. It is practiced extensively in some countries but isn’t supported here. 

My Direct Democracy is a shadow direct democracy which seeks to inform the political process by letting politicians know exactly what their own constituents want them to do.